Solar Dev BF


Our Focus

Solar Dev aims to finance the “real economy” through the development of solar energy infrastructure in Burkina Faso. We strive to give enterprises access to reliable and inexpensive green source of power to support their energy needs and help “fuel” their development.

What We Do

We use an integrated financing scheme to give our clients access to domestic and foreign capital in order to fund their solar projects.  Solar Dev and its partners take charge of the entire value chain; design, financing and installation all the way to the operation and maintenance of the solar power system. The client company is able to achieve energy cost savings while benefiting from a clean reliable source of energy. Simultaneously, it also help to preserve the environment by reducing their carbon footprint and fossil fuel consumption in favor of green energy.

Our Partners


Strategic Partner

Sahelia Solar

Technical Partner

Renewables / Distributed Energy

Strategic Partner

Financial Partner

Our Projects

Project 1 - HARD Group

A Burkinabe company that works within the food industry specializing in the distribution of fish. in order to run their business, they use a network of cold chambers to maintain the fish at temperatures that respect the cold chain.

Our Offer

Solar Dev offered a financing solution for “on-site” photovoltaic solar installation. This allows the client to generate power directly from his roof for direct consumption. This solution has helped the client significantly reduce their consumption.

Project 2 - Les Lauréats

Les Lauréats is a Burkinabè school that offers courses for children ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade. To carry out their daily activities, the school campus consumes electricity mainly during the day. The air conditioning running in the classrooms as well as in the administration offices contributes to the total consumption of the campus.

Our Offer

Solar Dev offered an all in one solution for an “on-site” photovoltaic solar installation. This allows the client to generate power directly from his room for direct consumption. This solution helped the client significantly reduce there electricity consumption.

Ready To Get Started

Reach out to us today and we can answer any of your questions